गीताभ्यासे - सारांशः summary of तृतीयोऽध्यायः
ॐ नमो नम: गीताभ्यासे - सारांशः summary of तृतीयोऽध्यायः A study by S. L. Abhyankar , Mumbai ========= In गीतारहस्य of लोकमान्य टिळक one finds thematic paraphrasing of श्लोकाः by taking one or more of them together. This way, an overview of the complete chapter is summarised in 12 nice phrases (i) to (xii) as follows CHAPTER III— KARMA-YOGA ( The Yoga of Right Action ). (i) 1, 2. "Should Action (ritual) be abandoned or performed; what is the truth,?", being the question asked by Arjuna. (ii) 3 to 8. The definite advice to Arjuna that, although there are the two paths निष्ठा - (a) सांख्य (कर्मसंन्यास or Abandonment of Action ) and (b) कर्मयोग yet, as nobody can escape कर्म ( Action ), कर्मयोग is superior, and is the path to be followed. (iii) 9 to 16. The advice of the मीमांसा school to perform even the sacrificial ritual after abandoning Attachment; the antiquity of the यज्ञचक्र (cycle of sacrificial rit...